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Get quick answers to your questions on Solar Panels, Heat Pumps, Battery Storage and EV Chargers below
Solar PV
Supplied by nature
A – When the sun shines on solar PV (photovoltaic) panels, they automatically generate direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity then passes through an inverter which transforms it into alternating current (AC) power which you can use in your home or workplace.
Battery Storage
Move Towards Energy Independence
A – Yes – Battery Storage can be retro fitted to your existing system and is compatible with all solar panels – The complexity of the process will depend on your existing system.
Heat Pumps
Efficient Alternative To Fossil Fuels
A - Both systems offer significant energy saving benefits that will help you cut your energy costs and heat your home efficiently. The main difference between the two types of heat pumps is simply how they get their heat – Air source heat pumps absorb heat from the air in comparison to a Ground source heat pump which absorbs heat from the ground.
Air source heat pumps look similar to air conditioning units and are usually mounted alongside an external wall of your property. The external unit is connected to an internal unit containing circulation pumps and hot water, this is normally smaller than the average boiler. They are easier to install than ground source heat pumps as they don't require any groundworks. The size of the units will vary depending on the size of your property.
The biggest initial considerations for a ground source heat pump is adequate outdoor space to install the ground loop and suitable ground for the works. Ground loops can be installed in two ways, vertically or horizontally, but both methods require a fair amount of space at your property. Additionally, you will also need some space indoors to fit the heat pump unit – this are typically the size of a fridge and can create a low-level humming sound, similar to an extractor fan or air conditioning unit. Although initially more planning and groundworks need to be undertaken, once installed your ground source heat pump will not be visible, with all pipework and ground loops hidden underground there will be no impact to the look or functionality of any part of your property.
EV Charging
The Future Is Electric
A - Yes, there are a couple of ways to do this. One is to use the dedicated Zappi charger which diverts excess generation into an electric vehicle. In this way, what would have been exported back to the grid is now providing you with zero-carbon mobility. The only downside to this would mean you would need to have your EV parked up at home during the day.
The alternative is to use a battery system to store this energy, and then discharge this into your EV in the evening/night-time. The battery would also cover your household loads once the sun has gone down.